AI Deconstructed
Expand Your Artificial Intelligence Knowledge
In 2017 a machine learning program called AlphaGo was able to defeat the world’s best Go player and then proceeded to defeat its older version (Gregersen, 2019). Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI, has gained popularity in recent years. Currently Artificial Intelligence is used as a generic name for programs that are designed to simulate the human brain. However, most people are not aware of the intricacies of AI and AI-based programs which causes confusion. The term chatbot refers to a program that simulates a human conversation. The version of an AI program is called a model; different models are trained with different data. With the sudden launch of AI products on a consumer level, people have yet to be informed on how these products work, what uses they have, and how they are different than Sci-Fi AI that have been shown in the media.
The everyday person knows little about how AI works and has a misconception because of AI that has been shown in movies and TV shows. AI chatbots use tons of data from the internet to generate answers to prompts, while this sounds perfect this can lead to misleading information. There are a variety of statistics that show insight into how AI can and is being used. Access to up-to-date information, plagiarism, spreading of misinformation, and interactions with AI influencing the treatment of others are all major concerns with the use of AI chatbots. AI has many positive uses that can support people in their daily lives and work. If everyone would first understand how AI works and what uses, there are we can all use it productively and ethically to make our lives easier.
“The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.”